Guest marina

For over 700 years, Jussarö has served as a harbor and continues to do so. Jussarö’s guest marina has 49 berths. It is also possible to moor to the protective breakwater that shields from the westerly winds.


Harbor fees 2024

  • Mooring buoy/anchor spot
  • Side berth
  • Day visitors

The harbor fee is paid at the café.

Harbor depth chart

Harbor location

Trips to Jussarö

Jussarö is a popular stopover for cottage owners and overnight visitors. Jussarö’s harbor is located slightly south of the east-west route, just a short detour of about fifteen minutes away. The breakwater, built in 2020, provides protection from the wind. The harbor has electricity, and there is a drinking water point on the shore. Outhouses are located in the immediate vicinity of the guest marina and are open 24/7. There is no sewage disposal, and the principle is that everyone is responsible for their own waste.

The harbor area also includes a café with a terrace and a sauna. The sauna is located in the immediate vicinity of the beach and the guest marina. It has a new stove and a dock.

The area is under camera surveillance. By parking, you accept the terms.

We warmly welcome boaters to Jussarö!